Marco Leonardo Calvache Sánchez

Vive en: Quito - Ecuador

De: Quito - Ecuador


Keynote Speaker in several countries. MARKETING SNACKS 2018. Author of: EMOTIONSHARE (R) and A QUE TE ATREVES, MANUAL DE EMPRENDEDORES. I have writen articles for MDC The Event Planner s Magazine (México), Flumarketing (Chile) and Numbers Magazine (Ecuador), EXMA Magazine (México) I truly love marketing, rock, movies and comedy. Master in Business Administration and Marketing Engineer. Ex Marketing Professor at Catholic University (ECU). Vicerrector and Marketing Professor at ISMAC Institute (EC

Estudios académicos

  • (Universitaria) Ingeniero Comercial, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL ECUADOR , Ecuador


inglés, español (o castellano)

Áreas de conocimiento

Negocios, Comunicación