Pedro Zorrilla Miras

Vive en: Madrid - Spain

De: Madrid - Spain


My research interests focus on rural sustainability, based on a holistic perspective and looking at how to turn current conflicting situations into more social, economic and environmental sustainable systems. I have worked on the linkages of poverty and nature conservation in Mozambique, on mapping and valuing ecosystem services at national and regional scales in Spain, on the conflicts between intensive groundwater management and the conservation of related wetlands, and on land use change.

Estudios académicos

  • (Doctorado) Doctor en Ecologia y medio Ambiente, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain


inglés, español (o castellano)

Áreas de conocimiento

Servicios ambientales, Agricultura, Biodiversidad, Biodiversidad(Industria a evaluar), Servicios ambientales(Industria a evaluar), Agricultura(Industria a evaluar)

Clase de evaluador


